Snowman Cafetiere Cosy
Do you want to knit a snowman? This cafetiere cosy is a request from a lady who wanted to knit a festive cosy for her cafetiere.

I'm starting later than I expected because I discovered that our cafetiere at home is smaller than the size requested. So I have ordered a 1 litre cafetiere and I'm just waiting on it arriving before I can begin.
A cafetiere cosy is a new one for me. I'm not a big coffee drinker myself as you may have guessed. I think the cafetiere cosy will have to work as a wrap to go around the jug rather than over it like a tea cosy would.
So I have sketched out my design. Cafetieres are straight up and down, so I want to give the illusion of more shape. I aim to give him three sections, as if he had been built with balls of snow, and I shall give him twiggy arms. I think the arms are going to need some structural support so that they don't go all limp, I need them to remain elevated.
I can't give him a hat, because you still need access to the top of the jug to operate the plunger, so I have decided to keep away from all the snowman clichés, and instead I have given him some fairy lights to hold or maybe someone decorated him with them? He has still got a carrot nose though, you can't not have a snowman without a carrot nose.
I thought because it's for Christmas and it's a special cosy that I would make the snowman in James C. Brett, Baby Twinkle. It's a sparkly yarn that will look like glistening snow.
I do love knitting for Christmas, everything is so happy and jolly and the colours are bright and cheerful too.