Pug Dog Tea Cosy
When discussing tea cosy designs in the Facebook group, someone mentioned a Pug dog tea cosy and then a few other members also expressed an interest in a pug tea cosy, so that's how a pug got on the design ideas list.

It is nice to design animal tea cosies, because they always look so cute and the pug tea cosy is going to be no exception.
After looking at lots of photos of pugs on Google, I saw that most pugs had a dark muzzle and dark patches around the eyes. The extent and depth of darkness seems to vary. Similarly, some pugs look more wrinkly than others. And older dogs look more darker and wrinkly then others - but that happens to us all hey?
What I did notice was the big eyes. They seem to be much bigger than you would expect, so I have some 24mm brown safety eyes on order that I think will be good for this project.
I can't see any issues with this design, no tricky bits. It's just going to be a fun project with oodles of cuteness.
