Hair Stylist Tea Cosy
This Hair Stylist Tea Cosy is going to be head and shoulders above the others!

With all the covid lockdowns we have come to realize how much we love our hair stylists. Some people have just gotten wild and woolly with their hair dos, whilst others have gone down the DIY road and tried to give themselves a trim. But it's the hair dressers that have the big tidy up job now. This tea cosy is going to be a little knitted tribute to the hard working hair dressers and hair stylists that try to keep us all looking beautiful.
What I find with hair dressers is that they are all glamorous with immaculate hair. And I remember one hair stylist I visited used to like to change her hair colour quiet often. So my hair stylists design has blue hair, she's just funky and out there.
I have her dressed in a nice frilly top with short sleeves. I bet sleeve flapping about drive you bonkers when you're cutting hair.
I have given her some tools of the trade to hold - her scissors and a hair dryer, and near her feet I have given her a big can of hairspray. Hair stylists love hair spray don't they and always have an industrial sized can of it.
I don't foresee any tricky bits with design, it all looks straight forward. The hair care accessories with be fun to make, but they do need to look like what they are. When things are small, sometimes it can be tricky to get the detail in.
I'm really looking forward to making her. She looks fun and friendly. I haven't visited a hair stylist yet, I'm waiting my turn, but it will be some lovely to be pampered again.
