There is an old saying that a pelican's pouch holds more than it's stomach (which seems counterproductive). They have checked the old saying and a pelican's pouch can hold about 11 litres. So if you do have a pelican to tea, you will need a very large teapot to satisfy one of these greedy guzzlers!
I do think pelicans are very unusual looking birds, they have pinkish beaks and that massive pouch, and a skinny yellow patch of skin around the eye after the feathers stop.
What is good about a pelican is that it is quite a big sturdy bird that can look roundish, which is perfect for a tea cosy.
Upon reflection, I don't know if my sketch is quite correct, I think I shall need to make the beak longer, but having started the sketch in the centre of the sketch pad, I had limited space to draw a longer beak. In the photos below the beak looks about twice the length of the head. And that will need some support so that it doesn't droop. Likewise I think the neck needs to be longer and needs to be droop proofed as well, otherwise it might start looking like a sick pelican.
My final worry with the design is that I haven't yet worked out where the spout and handle go. With birds, the spout and handles always seem to be in the way of the wings. So I shall have to work that one out along the way.