Robert Burns Tea Cosy
This is the perfect tea cosy to accompany your haggis neeps and tatties on Burns night.

For this tea cosy design, I took inspiration from Robert Burns and his prose. With so many Robert Burns poems to choose from, I focused on the more popular of his works.
So the main cosy is made to look like Robert Burns himself. I think the image of Robert Burns is well known. His hair is quite long compared to modern day hair styles for men, and his is dressed very smartly in a jacket and britches. So that he is not fifty shades of brown, I thought I'd use artistic license to give him a bit of colour.
Then the main Burns tea cosy has tokens about him that relate to 'A Red, Red Rose', 'To A Mouse', 'Address to a Haggis', 'Auld Lang Syne' and the 'The Wrens Nest'. Round the back I want to add a tribute to 'Tam O' Shanter' by way of cutty-sark, the witch that chases Tam O' Shanter and pulls Meg's tail off.
I'm looking forward to this tea cosy, and I don't foresee any 'tricky' bits. Just lots of small parts to make and sew together.

Tags: Scottish