Terms of Use of TeaCosyFolk Knitting Patterns

We are often sent emails from knitters asking for information about what they have permission to do with TeaCosyFolk knitting patterns and the products knitted with the knitting patterns.

Some of the older knitting patterns have old terms and conditions at the bottom of the knitting pattern, but all TeaCosyFolk knitting patterns are now covered by these terms and conditions below.

You are welcome to sell items made from TeaCosyFolk pdf knitting patterns for charity or for personal profit as long it is on a small scale only. I ask that you include a note about the item being a 'TeaCosyFolk Design' on the tag at a craft fair or in the description if you are selling online.

If you are wanting to show off your finished tea cosy, you might want to upload it to our Customer Knits page here. Please note that uploads are not automatically added to the site, they have to be manually added. The uploads are checked weekly and made live.

TeaCosyFolk knitting patterns themselves may not to be resold, loaned, photocopied, scanned, uploaded to any website, transferred on to CD, or transmitted to a third party. TeaCosyFolk knitting patterns are covered by Copyright law All rights reserved.

All patterns and photographs are Copyright protected, this means that you can not use any part of the patterns or photos in full or in part without written permission from TeaCosyFolk. So, if you are writing a knitting pattern yourself you can not even use a small part of one of my patterns to include in your own pattern.