It's a Stitch Up

In various conversations I have been keen to hear people’s views about sewing up their projects.

On the whole people usually say that they hate a lot of sewing up. Some people say they haven't finished a project because they have left all the stitching till the end, but then don't want to sew it together. It seems very sad to have come so far to stop at the stitching up. But I do know what they mean.

I know it's all personal preference, but I like to stitch as I go, purely because I don't like a lot of sewing up at the end. However, I do like to sew everything for a head and pin it into place before I sew it down. Sometimes I put the hair and nose on, but then the ears go on and I feel the nose needs adjusting or the hair needs pulling down a bit. Once it's all stitched you lose that flexibility. But once I'm happy with the head, I will sew everything to the head and then sew the head to the main part.

I write my patterns so that you can sew as you go, because this is how I like to work.

I would always recommend stitch as you go, to make the task at the end less daunting.
