Pins and Pegs

Until a couple of years ago, I have always used tailors pins to pin my work together before sewing. I use those lovely pins with the big purl heads. They are longer than the silver pin head pins, and the big ball heads mean that I don't lose them in the knitting. I still use them now, they are great.

Pins and PegsHowever, with a knitting magazine, I received a free gift of 'No Pin, Sewing Clips'. They are little peg like things that you can use to hold two pieces of knitting together with. Now I know you're perhaps thinking that you can achieve this with pins, and that the pegs are a gimmick. And before using them I would have thought the same; but now I find that I do reach for the pegs as often as the pins. In fact, if I am sewing two flat pieces together, I peg them and if I'm sewing something stuffed to another stuffed thing or the main cosy; I use pins.

I find that the pegs hold things just where I want them, it's like its being held by another finger and thumb. There is no chance of the knitting slipping or of the peg wriggling free.

I'm a convert! If you get an opportunity, try them and you'll see what I mean.
