How to Pick Up and Knit Stitches Evenly Along an Edge

This sounds easy, but if you have to pick up and knit a lot of stitches, what starts off well suddenly ends in either lots of stitches all bunched up, or the last few stitches with big spaces between. We have all been there.

So, it's worth marking the edge at the halfway point, and the quarter points, and maybe be even points in-between if it's a really long edge. You don't have to be a maths genius, just fold the edge in half and mark the point of the fold. Then fold each half and mark to find the quarters.

Then divide the stitches into halves or quarters. If you have to pick up and knit 44sts in total pick up 11sts in each quarter, or 22sts in each half.

Picking up and knitting stitches in this way over a smaller distance makes it much easier to achieve evenly spaced stitches and it only takes a few moments to set up, and you'll get great results.
