Working From The Inside

Here's a quick cheat to sew things to your main tea cosy so that no one can see the stitching.

If I'm sewing directly on to the main cosy part, lets say I'm sewing on someone's arms for example, I pin the arms in place whilst the tea cosy is on the teapot. When I'm happy with how it looks, I add a few more pins to secure it in place.

Then I remove the tea cosy from the teapot and sew the arm to the main cosy from inside the main cosy. It's great because you can only see the stitches from the inside of the cosy. If you use the same colour yarn as the main cosy itself, you can't even see the stitches from the cosy inside.

You can't always use this technique, but sometimes it's a great trick to use and it gives neat results. It's great for when you want to attach things and you want them to keep their shape and look prominent.

Tags: knitting pattern tips