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September 2023

Hello knitters and welcome to another Vlog with me Suzy Cowper of TeaCosyFolk. It seems like September is the season for knitting Terrys Chocolate Orange cosies! I have been knitting 8 Alice in Wonderland Chocolate Orange covers and I can also reveal the TeaCosyFolk Calendar for 2024! Hip Hip Hooray!! I will be showing you the 12 designs that are inside the 2024 calendar, all 12 patterns are to knit 12 more Chocolate Orange covers. And there’s a reminder about the workshop to knit a chocolate orange cover at the Knitting and Stitching show in November. Sit back and relax whilst I tell you all about it and how you the cosies that you could knit too.

The Alice in Wonderland Terrys Chocolate Orange cosies – Part 1 knitting pattern can be found on the website here.

There is more information about the Alice in Wonderland Terry’s Chocolate Orange cosies – Part 2 on the Blog

You can find the TeaCosyFolk Terry Chocolate Orange Knitting Pattern calendar on the website here.
The prices include free P&P to the UK.

To but the calendar overseas, you can order the calendar from Etsy here. Etsy will add £5.30 P&P for overseas postage to anywhere in the world.

The April Showers chocolate orange cosy help video can be found here. There is a playlist for all the calendar videos here.

I’ll be at the Harrogate Knitting and Stitching Show on Sunday the 19th of November. Tickets are on sale now, and if you quote WT23 when booking entry tickets; this will you give £3 off adult / £3.50 off concessions booked before 11.59pm Wednesday 15th November.

Find out more about the Stitch Mastery: Knit a Chocolate Orange Cosy here. If you search for Cowper, you’ll find the workshop. Remember; if you’re on the workshop you’ll get a free TeaCosyFolk calendar with all 12 knitting patterns.

And find out more about the Creative Living Theatre here, Click the Sunday tab to find my spot.

Find the Blog post about the Elephant here.

Join the newsletter here.

Tags: calendar 2024