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March 2023

Well, they say that March comes in like a lion; well, it’s not roaring but it is very cold here. The sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade, Dickens wasn’t wrong there. But it’s ok, it’s the perfect weather for knitting and nattering, and I have lots to talk about and to show you, so join me for a wonderful 8 and a half minutes of woolliness.

The King Charles Coronation tea cosy will be available from the 16th of March, and you’ll find him here.

This is a link to the Funky Foam that I was talking about.

Find out more about the Rock Star tea cosy design on the Blog.

The Lighthouse tea cosy page is here and the pattern will be available from the 9th March.

The Old Grey Wizard tea cosy knitting pattern will be available to download from the 30th March and you’ll find him here. There’s a help video for the Loopy stich on Youtube – it’s the loopy stitch that is used for the wizards hair and beard

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