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June 2023

Hello June and hello Summer! Summer has arrived at our little corner of the world and its so lovely to feel the suns warm rays again. The garden is growing well, and the birds and the bees are busy doing their thing. It’s time for knitting alfresco! Of course, its Nation Knit in Public Day on June the 10th; the perfect excuse to knit outdoors.

The Robin Hood tea cosy can be found on the website here.
There's a help video for the Robin Hood tea cosy here.

The Lancia Montecarlo tea cosy can be found on the website here.

The Ice Cream Seller tea cosy knitting pattern is in Simply Knitting issue 239 and will be in the shops on June 15th.

Read more about the Japanese Pagoda Tea Cosy on the TeaCosyFolk Blog here.

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