Garden Snail Tea Cosy Knitting Pattern

Garden Snail
Garden Snail
Garden Snail knitting pattern
Front View
Side View
Birds Eye View
Side View
Rear View
Birds Eye View
Rear View
Side View


The Snail tea cosy was designed for the Simply Knitting Magazine issue 236 which went on sale on the 23rd March 2023.

Kids love them, but for most gardeners the battle with snails lasts all summer long. They love to get in amongst the tasty vegetables and the prize begonias and bedding plants and they can devour a newly planted flower bed over night, so just imagine the appetite of a snail this size!

This tea cosy was inspired by garden snails and it's designed to fit a medium sized teapot, which is very big by garden snail standards.

The snail shell is knitted in two parts and sewn to the main cosy and stuffed, so the tea cosy is very insulated and it give the shell that spiral look. I have made Youtube help videos to show you how to attach the shell and construct the snail.

The snail is on the move and his head and tail are out from the shell and he's looking around. I love his beady eyes on stalks, they are such fun and you can give your snail funny expressions.

The only trail that this snail will leave is a trail of empty tea cups.

Perfect for when you like to drink tea at a snail's pace.

This Tea Cosy:

  • fits a medium sized teapot that holds 6 to 8 cups or 2 pints
  • is made from double thickness yarn for extra insulation

What you will need to make the pattern

5.5 mm, UK size 5 or US size 9 knitting needles,
4.00 mm, UK size 8 or US size 6 Knitting needles,
Stitch Holder,
2x Stitch Markers or Waste Yarn,
54g Stylecraft, Special DK Stone (1710)
41g Stylecraft, Special DK Sandstone (1126)
10g Stylecraft, Special DK Mustard (1823)
2X 5mm black beads for eyes.

TeaCosyFolk help videos for this knitting

Click on image to enlarge

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